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21st Century Policing Report
In 2015, the President's 21st Century Task Force was brought together to identify best practices and recommendations for how police departments across the country can promote effective crime reduction while building trust. The task force developed recommendations, each with action items around six “pillars,” which are listed below and widely lauded as the gold standard of policing for the 21st century.
With a strong foundation of transparency, trust and service with respect, the Evesham Police Department is using these pillars to build an even better agency—a model police department for the 21st Century. This site reflects our efforts to achieve the goals outlined in the “Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.” It will be updated as we progress towards our goals. And it will help us as we continue to build trust with all we serve. The Task Force was created to strengthen community policing and trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve due to the tragic events that unraveled around the country which have underscored the need for and importance of lasting collaborative relationships. The Task Force recommendations, each with action items, are organized around six main topic areas or “pillars:” Building Trust and Legitimacy, Policy and Oversight, Technology and Social Media, Community Policing and Crime Reduction, Officer Training and Education, and Officer Safety and Wellness.
Mission Statement
“Protect, serve and enhance the quality of life of all citizens by providing a progressive and diverse police department through a dedicated, ethical and virtuous work force.”
Public Comment Portal
The Evesham Township Police Department is a CALEA (The Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) Certified Agency. In continuing our status as such, we must provide the public the ability to post comments directly to CALEA about the services we provide. The link below is available for the public to post comments, commendations, and other information regarding the agency’s quality of service or other information relevant to the accreditation process. Those interested in learning more about what it means to be a CALEA certified agency can go to for more information about the process.
Evesham Township (NJ) Police Department
E.T.P.D Community Outreach Programs
Check Out Some of the Programs Offered by E.T.P.D
Vacation Check
The Evesham Police Department offers vacation house checks as a complimentary service to the citizens of Evesham.
ETPD now makes it more convenient for Evesham Township residents to take an active role in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of opiate abuse.
Straight to Treatment
Those who are caught in the powerful grip of addiction and substance abuse but would like to break free will have an opportunity to seek treatment.
The Evesham Police Department has partnered with the communications system, Nixle, to send directly to residents via email or text timely and valuable community information messages.
Community Video partner
Evesham Police Department is committed to our partnership with residents and business owners.
The integration with Nextdoor will enable the Evesham Police Department to communicate online with Evesham Township neighborhoods.
The Evesham Township Police Department in conjunction with Cherokee High School and the Lenape Regional High School District’s Defy the Issue Campaign are implementing a new interactive high school opiate awareness program entitled #NotEvenOnce.
Hero Campaign
A drunk driving prevention campaign inspired by the death of a young naval officer teamed up with Evesham Township to save lives by recruiting scores of new designated drivers.
Safe Transaction Zone
ETPD provides is a safety zone where citizens can make sales and purchases through sites like Craigslist.
The Evesham Township Police Department in collaboration with Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities, are currently recruiting volunteers for their Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT).
Body Worn Camera Program
Since 2014, The Evesham Police Department is pleased to report the full implementation of body worn cameras to its existing arsenal of cutting edge technology.
DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources.
ETPD Explorers
This youth program is designed to provide young men and women, between the ages of 14-20, with life skills, character education and leadership experience to become a productive member of society in addition to having the opportunity to start a future career in law enforcement.
Run Hide Fight
The Evesham Police Department aims to enhance preparedness through a "whole community" approach by providing resources to help our community prepare for an active shooter incident.