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Pillar Five - Training and Education
As our nation becomes more pluralistic and the scope of law enforcement’s responsibilities expands, the need for more and better training has become critical. Today’s line officers and leaders must meet a wide variety of challenges including international terrorism, evolving technologies, rising immigration, changing laws, new cultural mores, and a growing mental health crisis.
The skills and knowledge required to effectively deal with these issues requires a higher level of education as well as extensive and ongoing training in specific disciplines. The task force discussed these needs in depth, making recommendations for basic recruit and in-service training, as well as leadership development in a wide variety of areas: Community policing and problem-solving principles, Interpersonal and communication skills , Bias awareness , Scenario-based, situational decision making, Crisis intervention, Procedural justice and impartial policing, Trauma and victim services , Mental health issues , Analytical research and technology, Languages and cultural responsiveness.
In addition to discussion of training programs and educational expectations, witnesses at the listening session made clear that new approaches to recruitment, hiring, evaluation, and promotion are also essential to developing a more highly educated workforce with the character traits and social skills that enable effective policing and positive community relationships.
To build a police force capable of dealing with the complexity of the 21st century, it is imperative that agencies place value on both educational achievements and socialization skills when making hiring decisions.
ETPD Action on Pillar Five
The Agency conducts trainings that meet or exceed national best practice requirements:
New Hire Agency Rules and Regulation Training
New Hire and Biennial Ethics Training
New Hire and Annual Biased Policing Training
New Hire and Annual Harassment Training
New Hire and Semi-annual Use of Force Training – Firearms
New Hire and Annual Less Lethal Weapon Training
New Hire and Biennial Weaponless Training
New Hire and Semi-annual Crowd Control Training
New Hire and Annual Cellblock Management Training
All Officers received De-escalation Training
All Officers received Cultural Diversity Training
All Officers received Excited Delirium Training
New Hire and Annual Hazardous Materials Training
New Hire and Annual Hazard Plan and Incident Command System Training. In August 2019, our agency conducted its first full scale active shooter drill using the Hazard Plan and ICS training.
Volunteers (Interns, Chaplains, Explorers) receive training
Annual Crossing Guard Training
In addition, there are dozens of specialized training assignments, supervisor trainings, leadership trainings. The men and women of the Evesham Township The men and women of the Evesham Township PolPolice Department attended a wide ice Department attended a wide variety ofvariety of in service training courses in 2019 in service training courses in 2019 including, but not limited to:including, but not limited to:
Canine AcademyCanine Academy Canine ScentCanine Scent
Command and Leadership Command and Leadership Deaf and Hard of Hearing SeminarDeaf and Hard of Hearing Seminar
Prescription Drug InvestigationsPrescription Drug Investigations Below 100: Train the TrainerBelow 100: Train the Trainer
Verbal & NonVerbal & Non--verbal Deverbal De--escalatiescalation on ALICE Active ShooterALICE Active Shooter
School Security Assessment School Security Assessment Street SurvivalStreet Survival
Firearms Instructor Firearms Instructor Firearms QualificationsFirearms Qualifications
Rifle InstructorRifle Instructor Opiate SeminarOpiate Seminar
Rifle Certification Rifle Certification Terrorism Threat AssessmentTerrorism Threat Assessment
LEADLEAD Critical IncidentsCritical Incidents
Investigative & PInvestigative & Police Psychology olice Psychology DWI & Marijuana LegalizationDWI & Marijuana Legalization
ProfessionalismProfessionalism Financial Crimes against SeniorsFinancial Crimes against Seniors
Drug Recognition ExpertDrug Recognition Expert Police Executive InstitutePolice Executive Institute
Emotional Survival Emotional Survival Advanced Motor Vehicle Crash InvestAdvanced Motor Vehicle Crash Invest
Certified Public ManagerCertified Public Manager Social Media anSocial Media and Intelligenced Intelligence
WellnessWellness Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence
Interview and InterrogationInterview and Interrogation Sexual ViolenceSexual Violence
Fugitive InvestigationsFugitive Investigations Combating AddictionCombating Addiction
CPRCPR SRO CertificationSRO Certification
Overdose Investigations
Overdose Investigations Car Seat TechnicianCar Seat Technician
Forensic AnalysisForensic Analysis Communicate Communicate --Tact & Tact & ProfessionalismProfessionalism
Women in LE LeadershipWomen in LE Leadership Bike OfficerBike Officer
OPRAOPRA SupervisionSupervision
Critical IncidentCritical Incident Child Abduction Response TeamChild Abduction Response Team
Field Training OfficerField Training Officer High Tech InvestigationsHigh Tech Investigations
Resurgence of Sovereign CitizensResurgence of Sovereign Citizens Comprehensive InterviewComprehensive Interview
Bombing PreventiBombing Preventionon Front Line LeadershipFront Line Leadership
Work Zone Safety AwarenessWork Zone Safety Awareness Humane Law Enforcement Officer Humane Law Enforcement Officer
Drug Recognition Drug Recognition –– OpiatesOpiates TourniquetTourniquet Radar Instructor and OperatorRadar Instructor and Operator Firearms QualificationsFirearms Qualifications
Blood Borne PathogensBlood Borne Pathogens Legal UpdatesLegal Updates
Vehicle PursuitsVehicle Pursuits Ethics TrainingEthics Training
Mental IllnessMental Illness HGNHGN--DWI TrainingDWI Training
Cell Block ManagementCell Block Management CED (Taser) TrainingCED (Taser) Training
Legal UpdatesLegal Updates Roll Call TrainingRoll Call Training
Mental IllnessMental Illness
In 2019 alone, ETPD employees received over 11,000 hours of training, averaging to 141 training hours per officer.